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SALUTE OK chooses BRD Consulting for his ambitious project

SALUTE OK provides innovative treatments and new products for rehabilitation, orthopaedics, neurology and Aesthetic Medicine, known as the “Rehabilitation of human being.” Its founder and president, Prof. Dario Apuzzo, has twenty years experience in physiatrist and ozone therapies. He has achieved great success with his professional rehabilitation team, using alternative methods and the latest equipment technology.

SALUTE OK decided to start their concept to franchise. This innovative project is the first branded franchise program in the Rehabilitation Medicine and in the fascinating field of Aesthetic Medicine in Europe. Prof. Apuzzo provides free online medical advice, on the web site, offering personalized medical advice about specific medical conditions or treatment both in Italy and abroad.

Prof. Dario Apuzzo and his team choose BRD Consulting, the leading management-consulting firm specialized in Retail and Franchise solutions, with over twenty years experience in the retail and franchise sectors,to start the SALUTE OK franchise project.

Federico Fiorentini, Managing Director of BRD, is very pleased to take part on this ambitious project and to join his long-standing experience in the franchise sector worldwide!

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